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Monthly Archives: June 2008

I’ve finally come to the realization that Doctors and Lawyers are a blight on the human race. They are blood sucking leaches with no conscience what so ever.

How can anyone charge $1500.00 per hour to somebody with no insurance and still sleep at night? 1500 FREAKING DOLLARS AN HOUR.

No wonder so many people die each each, simply because they can’t afford to live.

Now god only knows that I’m not exactly literate. And if it weren’t for spellcheckers I’d be a moron, but come on, how bad does one have to be to let this gem pass?

"experienced this first hand when playing through a level of the game first hand."


From this article. 




Rest In Peace Mr. Carlin, you will be missed

I’m 44 and just spent the last 3 days in the hospital getting a stint. Yup I had a heart attack and it sucked big time. Weird how not so many years ago it was a death sentence, now it just causes you to die having to pay for all the medicine and doctors. 3 Days 30 GRAND. how the FUCK is that possible?

Not to mention the 500.00 a month I have to spend on medicine over the next 6 – 12 months. Just dandy.

Good news is I am ok. They fixes the one bugger that had 100% blockage and had to the other one alone because it was 50% and the other one was fine.

Goddamn Genetics, Goddamn Cigarettes. I guess living the motto "Live hard, die young. leave a good looking corps" came a little too close to reality for my liking this time around.

But I do have one thing to say to the old Reaper. "NOT THIS TIME YOU MUTHA"

Thanks to the folks over at comes this too funny

Geek Epitaphs

11.Born: 1337
     Died: 1337
10. I have become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
8. I told you Wizard needed food… badly
7. It’s just a flesh wound.
6. Well, at least this is bigger than my cubicle.
5. Failed saving throw
4. Universe Man beat Person Man
3. It was indeed a good day to die (in Klingon).
2. No Seatbelt FTL
1. Dammit, Jim, he wasn’t a doctor!

I’m not sure but I think I’ll use one on mine.

No really, its really cute.


Baby Loves Banjo

without a doubt, and yes i realize the year is only 1/2 over [already?] but I kind of doubt anything will get any better than this one.


Buy it, play it, and thank me later.


Just a little poor quality ingame funness 🙂

Installed it on a client’s PC and bammo BSOD AGAIN. This time I took a picture to prove it.



Click image to enlarge.